Arctic Renewable Energy Network Academy (ARENA)
GCI Co-Led
The Arctic Remote Energy Networks Academy (ARENA) program focuses on sharing knowledge and establishing professional networks related to microgrids and integration of renewable energy resources for remote Arctic communities. In 2017, the Arctic Remote Energy Networks Academy (ARENA) pilot program brought together 17 individuals from three Arctic states and three Arctic Permanent Participant organizations for a combination of training, mentoring and site visits. ARENA-II was approved at the September 2019 SDWG meeting to support a second cohort focused on sustainable energy solutions for remote Arctic communities. Due to COVID-19 delays and geopolitical circumstances, the program was delivered 2022-2023, with the U.S., Iceland, and Canada running their own on-site components.
Watch an overview of the program from 2017:
On-Site Program
The goal of the on-site program is to help its participants identify, and equip them to pursue, approaches for improving their region's energy systems in ways that are locally appropriate, affordable and practical.
- We aim to recruit a cohort of up to twenty individuals, all enthusiastic and aspiring renewable energy champions from across the Arctic, to participate in a combination of instruction, coaching, peer networking, and visits to Arctic locations operating energy systems that draw on local renewable resources.
- In 2017, all of the participants attended three distinct but interconnected week-long workshops in Canada (Yellowknife, N.W.T - March), U.S.A (Kotzebue and Fairbanks, Alaska - June) and Iceland (Reykjavik - November). Instructors, industry members, and community representatives will interact with the participants in all venues, providing the opportunity for a rich exchange of experience and ideas.
- In 2020, 18 individuals were selected to be part of the second cohort. Despite delays and some cohort changes, ARENA-II was successfully delivered in Alaska, USA in July 2022, Iceland in October 2022, and Yukon, Canada in January 2023.
- Participants will interact with one another, the instructors, and coaches via telephone, email and web-meetings before and after each workshop.
Summary of 2023 ARENA-Canada program
Film from 2023 ARENA-Canada ARENA Canada January 2023
2023 ARENA Final Report