Writing & Photography Contest - closes November 15, 2021
Rules and contest details here, or read below
Contest poster

Option 1: Submit up to three PHOTOS of what it means to be Gwich’in or living in a good way
Photos will be used for Gwich’in Council International calendars and publications, and your name will be included with your photo(s) if published. If your photo gets chosen for the calendar, you’ll receive $50 + a copy of the calendar. If your photo gets chosen for other GCI publications or reports, you’ll receive $25
No age limits or categories – we welcome all ages
You must be Gwich’in to participate.
Photos must be good quality so they can be enlarged.
You will only be paid once for your entry, e.g. if your photo is used in the calendar and report, you will receive $50.
By entering the contest, you agree that photos submitted can be used by Gwich’in Council International. The winning entries will be selected by Gwich’in Council International or designate(s), and all decisions are final.
All photos must be original work, taken by the entrants. No third party may own or control any materials the photo contains, and the photo(s) must not infringe upon the trademark, copyright, moral rights, intellectual rights, or rights of privacy of any entity or person.
Option 2: Submit a piece of ORIGINAL WRITING on what it means to be Gwich’in OR an issue of importance to the Gwich’in Nation
You can write about Gwich’in identity or the Gwich’in Nation in relation to one of the key areas of work at the Arctic Council – renewable energy, food security, economies, conservation, wildfires, health, language, monitoring. What does being Gwich’in mean to you? What does it mean to be proud to be Gwich’in? What does the Gwich’in Nation look like in the future? How is strength preserved and passed down through generations? What is Gwich’in pride?
We will be publishing the entries online as well as part of our 20th anniversary celebrations.
You must be Gwich’in to participate.
Entries must be original. One entry per person. By entering, you allow us to share all or parts of your work (e.g. quotes). We will credit you as the author if all or parts/quotes are used.
Submissions must be in Word or txt format.
The winning entries will be chosen by blind judging (names removed from submissions) by Gwich’in Council International or designate(s). There will be one first prize awarded in each category (2 total) and up to four special mentions in each category.
Maximum 2500 words
Writing Contest Prizes
Under 21 years: $150 for first place + up to 4 special mentions - $50 each
Over 21 years: $150 for first place + up to 4 special mentions - $50 each
Deadline: November 15, 2021
Winners will be notified by email once judging has taken place
Monetary prizes will be awarded in the currency of the winner’s residency (CDN or USD)