Wildland fires are increasing in frequency, severity, and area across the Arctic, bringing challenges as well as opportunities and requiring greater collaboration, knowledge sharing, and partnership. Gwich'in Council International (GCI) is leading two projects to advance work on wildland fires at the Arctic Council, in the CAFF and EPPR Working Groups. Additionally, there is work in other Arctic Council Working Groups (AMAP and ACAP).
Each project has unique objectives and intended uses, as well as its own Steering Committee of State, Permanent Participant, and Observer representatives. The projects are connected through their overarching goal of addressing wildland fires in the Arctic and circumpolar focus. Knowledge sharing is a key component of both projects, and a workshop is planned (2022) to bring people working in ecology, management, and response together and review draft project deliverables.
To learn more about the work, check out:
Update provided to the Emergency Prevention, Preparedness, and Response (EPPR) Working Group, June 2021
Updated provided to EPPR Working Group, November 2021

Summary of Arctic Council Wildfire Projects, September 2020

Summary of Arctic Council Wildland Fire Projects, October 2021 (CAFF, EPPR, AMAP, ACAP)

Project Proposal: Arctic FIRE at the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF) Working Group

Project Proposal: Circumpolar Fire at the Emergency Prevention, Preparedness, and Response (EPPR) Working Group

Invitation to the Arctic Council Wildland Fire Sharing Circle, November 17-18, 2021