The objective of the project is to investigate, compile, and identify the research priorities of Gwich’in communities in order to assist in directing research agencies and funding towards those priorities.
On April 19-20, in Inuvik, NWT, Gwich’in Council International held a capacity-building Workshop on Environmental Impact Assessments. One of the reoccurring themes that arose as part of the Workshop was the evaluation of the multitude of research proposals that require evaluation by local community organizations, such as Regional Resource Councils. While there were challenges expressed about the volume, as well as understanding the proposals as written by researchers who are largely unfamiliar with the communities, there was also a recognition that there is a lot of resources available to academics, including from the international community, to carry out research. Therefore, the proposal was put forth to be more proactive in identifying what areas are priorities for the communities, evaluate where there are gaps in knowledge that can be filled, and create capacity around how the communities want to engage in research.
The report will be distributed widely to major research institutions with activities in the Arctic and to government entities that support research.
Have Your Say!
To gather viewpoints, GCI is interviewing and encouraging Gwich'in to fill out the questionnaire ( GCI_Gwichin Research Priorities Questionnaire.pdf) by October 1, 2018.Not interested in filling out a questionnaire, but still want to share your views? Please contact: